Embrace and celebrate diversityAs a team, we are deeply committed to bringing inclusivity and embracing diversity in all our workshops. We practice and are committed to tikanga Māori, and we are still very much on the "learning team". We actively consider the needs of neuro-diverse individuals

Learning can and should be fun and easyScientists have discovered that it takes approximately 400 repetitions to create a new synapse in the brain, unless it is done in play, in which case it only takes 10 to 20. So whilst we are serious about achieving learning outcomes, we make sure it's fun to get there.

Be yourself; everyone else is takenAt the centre of our philosophy is the concept of Authenticity. For us, it’s about helping people understand that what they already know has value. And the basic tenets of adult learning principles is to build on those strengths in a way that is mana-enhancing and honours and celebrates those strengths..

Great facilitators with real experience We insist on our facilitators being experienced in the skills they teach so they can help turn theory into real life application. We use an interactive style of facilitation with participant discussions and activities to generate learning.

Excellent experience every timeWe run every one of our workshops face-to-face and virtually, and have adapted them to optimise the environment. We work to minimise “zoom fatigue” with shorter workshops, plenty of off-camera time and break out room chats rather than just showing slides and talking "at” people.
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